Microsoft SharePoint is the world’s leading collaboration and information sharing tool that is used by customers across different industries and one of the fastest growing products in Microsoft’s history. SharePoint has gained traction among companies across different industry verticals as well as different sizes, primarily due to the fact that, collaboration and unstructured data handling are common needs for any organization.
Power BI
Plain and Simple - you got data, we tell your story. Find the beauty in your information - switch from static visuals and normal excel charts or tables to a more robust, interactive, dynamic and flexible data visualization solution. Organize, combine, clean, filter, slice/dice and shape your data to bring out the hidden insights and stories.
We offer an end-to-end solution taking your data and producing compelling, interactive and drill-through dashboard visualizations for you to play with, get better insights and make smarter decisions.
Microsoft Dynamics
We deliver Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM, SharePoint, Power BI and Office 365 business process and analytics solutions on premise and in the cloud using service philosophy and project methodologies based on industry best practices.
- Advisory & Consulting Services
- Integrations & Customizations
- Maintenance & Support
- CRM Training & Certification
Cloud Services
Cloud has changed the dynamics of the IT infrastructure and the organizations find it challenging to perceive the best-suited cloud solutions for their business needs. With the plethora of the cloud transformation service providers available in the market, choosing the right Cloud Service Provider and the best deployment model are of paramount significance. By cloud transformation, the organizations can scale up with their applications based on demand and empower the business to incorporate innovative solutions.